Neilsen Park Sunset at 10 Stops
- At March 30, 2011
- By Jack Chauvel
- In 10 Stops, Long Exposure, Places, Projects
The great thing about having a housemate who is also interested in photography is the random lets go for sunset suggestions! Which works out great.. most of the time.. this time he unfortunately left his memory cards at home.. and he shoots on the other side of the fence.. which means he cant use my SD cards.. and I cant use his CF!
So I got taken to a place in Sydney I hadnt been before.. well I had driven by.. I had even attempted to park and swim one summer.. but nevertheless a great harbour location which I hadnt visited. The western side of Neilsen Park (which is deceptive by name) gives quite a few rock outcrops that look over towards the city and the harbour bridge. I think next time ill shoot a little bit longer.. as you can see the city is minuscule when using the Sigma 10-20mm. Yes I did have my new toy in tow (the Yashica 124g) and yes I did fire some frames! So I loook forward to getting those up as a follow up blog to this.
Not much more to add bar the long exposures are still a lot of fun for me.. but still a lot of trial and error. Getting the timing right to ensure exposure and sharpness is maintained all the way to the edges is tough. Same deal comes to framing and cropping as the exposures are so long it can become quite easy to get caught up and miss light, colours and clouds during a long exposure that might span 5 to 10 minutes. This is technically week XX in my 52 week but this image makes up #11… it wont be strict as sometimes I might get a few shots in a week or one shot in a month
I have a colour version.. I am still unsure of.. I might save that and go and reshoot it in the near future.
Till next time..
Gordons Bay Sunset at 10 Stops
- At March 28, 2011
- By Jack Chauvel
- In 10 Stops, Long Exposure, Places, Projects
Just a quick blog post to let you know I am indeed alive and well. A lot has been going on this month.. with my commitment and progress in assisting Daniel K Cheung taking another step forwards I am finding a lot of my spare time is spent editing photos! Never fear.. it means that there is lots to blog.. just in abundance and hopefully with not much missed.
So if you have been living under a rock this past month or so you would not know that around the 19th of March we had the moon closest to earth since 1993 (on rise/set). With my housemate and Rose in tow we headed down to a new spot (well its all new local spots to me) to try and catch the moonrise on the horizon. Unfortunately.. like it had done before (on the day) and since the weather didnt play ball. I did however get a chance to get out my 10 stopper for a quick shoot. 3 shots.. all around the 3 – 5minute mark and thats all she wrote (it bucketed down for 12hours straight not long after this0. This location is Gordons bay and is just north of Coogee Beach. I like the way the sides are framed and the boats are a great reference point.. ill be keeping an eye out on the sun trajectory as I believe this has some sunrise potential in the very near future.
?A few things to note.. film film and more film will be posted up as well as some wedding work and some of my own projects. I am forseeing a big April in terms of postings so get your RSS feeds ready.
Till next time..
Ivo Rowe Pool Sunrise
- At March 18, 2011
- By Jack Chauvel
- In 10 Stops, Film, Long Exposure, Places, Projects
A couple of weeks ago I decided to get down to a spot I have been meaning to check out before work. The beauty of living so close to the beach is my new ability to make it out for sunrises… just need the extra motivation. This morning I decided to head out besides the cloud sitting on the horizon. The main reason for my expedition was knowing a big swell was rolling through, and this place would mostly be safe/accessible and hopefully rather exciting. What a morning it was.. with my first 10+ minute extreme long exposure and my first mixing of digital and film sunrise photography.
Paul + Peta | Engagement
- At March 15, 2011
- By Jack Chauvel
- In Engagement, People, Wedding
I could probably expand that list to about 1000.. but ill leave it at 2. Affection is a very personal matter and done differently by every couple. A quick glance across a room, a small smile that catches your eye, a touch of the shoulder… behind closed doors, in plain view or screaming it from the rooftops. The way this affection is shared between two people is very personal.. but when it is so abundant it bubbles through the personality of two people it is the recipe for some very emotive photography. Introducing Paul + Peta.. an amazing couple that Daniel K Cheung asked me to assist him shooting. I think the photos speak for themselves and capture perfectly the way they show affection for each other.
The Whale (Beach) Resurfacing
- At March 9, 2011
- By Jack Chauvel
- In Places
Turimetta Star Trails
- At March 6, 2011
- By Jack Chauvel
- In Gadgets, Long Exposure, Places, Post Processing
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