Week 3 – Ten Stop Coathanger

Week 3 – Ten Stop Coathanger. A Sydney icon was my target on this specific week.. I organised a get together with some fellow photographers as I had this in mind. We then headed out for some fantastic Japanese afterwards.. A great way to spend a weekend in summer in Sydney. Unfortunately for me there wasnt really the right cloud that I was hoping for, but I did pickup this lovely glow on the bridge from the setting sun. I would love to head back and capture something similar.. infact this might be my task for one of my exposures over the next couple of weeks.

Till next time..

Avalon Sunrise Preview

I dont normally do this.. but have been working on my post processing techniques this past couple of weeks in an attempt to get ‘more’ out of my images.. and simply love this one I finished last night. I always try and bring the natural look to my images I process, as I like to share what I see. Unfortunately there are some other factors that get in the way of this such as filters (colour cast), exposure differences (sky is brighter than the earth!) and white balance (but wait, its not that colour?!).

This shot is a blend of a slightly underexposed sky (to get the colour) and an overexposed foreground (to get the lightness and the detail). I have also done some selective highlighting to bring out the shapes and sharpening to crisp up areas in the image. I was able to overcome the colour changes with some curve adjustments to the sky and there is very little extra colour added.

So I hope you like, I hope it doesnt take me another 4 weeks to finishing editing the other shots from Avalon. I am thinking I might get some prints made up of this shot, and some others from the morning. If you are interested please email me at info@outsideinpixels.com or contact me through the contact page.

A big thank you my friend Alex Wise for his help with my processing and also to Toan for putting up with my rambling questions and giving me honest feedback.

Till next time..

Week 2 – Port Botany Ten Stops

Week 2 – Port Botany Ten Stops. This was just at the new boat ramp they have built next to the 3rd runway in Sydney. There have been massive developments in the area with the expansion of Port Botany. It is very impressive and I would in fact love to time lapse the area one day. This feels like an eternity ago now.. I think I can improve on this location however 🙂

Till next time..

Week 1 – The Ten Stop Bus Stop

OK! So I started this project at the beginning of the year.. I have completed 24 weeks of it thus far.. though have a couple to put up still. It is an open ended project, with the idea that ill get out there and do a long exposure each week! So I was sort of putting this into other blog posts I was doing but that seems a bit daft.. I should just do it the same as Stormy Stormtrooper. I think ill put the first 20 weeks up every few days and then slot them into updates every Sunday night.

So this is Week 1 .. at the Queen Victoria Building in Sydney. f8 @ 61 seconds

Till next time..

A Windy Mona Vale Sunrise

Back in mid May when scouting for a new spot to try myself and my friend Toan stumbled across Mona Vale Ocean Pool. I had seen shots from there before, but hadn’t really put it high on my priority list.. I certainly wish I had though! We arrived to a very cold and windy morning at Mona Vale.. with a high tide and a big swell it was actually impossible for us to get out to the pool itself. Greeted by churning waters we setup camp and got started well before dawn.

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White Bay Power Station Panorama

This great old powerstation is located on the border of Rozelle/Balmain in Sydney, NSW. Just as you get off the Anzac Bridge it is located on the western side of the road and is now heritage listed. A trust that looks after these historical sites have been running open days, and we had access for a Photographer’s day at the plant.. which allowed you to get in there and with restricted access check out the many areas of the power station. Myself and my good friend Toan actually headed here straight after a sunrise.. we have been indeed busy bees!

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An Appetite for Updates?

Greetings.. yes.. I am still here! My apologies for the lack of posts over the last week 🙂 The guide really took a long time to write (read.. 15 – 20 hours over the week) and I needed a break. Never fear the backlog of posting I have.. and the images to edit.. it really has backed itself up a little bit! I am hoping to get through some solid progress on it this week.. and see how it goes. I have been busy in the kitchen, and busy with some film and enjoying the long weekend we have just had in Sydney. So I just thought I would touch base to cap it off.. and then get together the new guides section of the site and perhaps plan my next one!

Looking forward to giving you some new posts this week.

Till next time..

The Guide to B&W Film Development: Part 5 – How to Digitise your Negatives

Welcome to Part 5 of my Guide to B&W Film Development.

Finally.. almost there.. in fact I would say it is already a success as you dont have to scan your own negatives if you dont want too. So far we have covered what you need to get started, what you need to prepare to develop and then developing the film itself. This extra part is basically to cover how to get your negatives archived and on your own computer at a decent price. If you are going to do a high res print and you arent satisfied with the scanning results, I would suggest getting a print shop or a photo shop doing a high res scan for you.. it is very cheap and a great way for you to get the size/resolution you need to print.

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The Guide to B&W Film Development: Part 4 – The Development Process

Welcome to Part 4 of my Guide to B&W Film Development.

Parts 1. 2 and 3 were all designed to get you ready for this point. Part 4.. the development process! Here I will go through a step by step look at how to develop your own film .. but I will refer to some previous steps and assume that you have completed things such as .. mixing your chemicals and preparing to do the development first. I will break the process up into different stages, the process itself doesnt take very long at all (say.. 15minutes) however having everything ready before hand will make life much easier.

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The Guide to B&W Film Development: Part 3 – Preparing the Film

Welcome to Part 3 of my Guide to B&W Film Development.

Part 1 looked at the jargon and the process. Part 2 looked at getting you setup with everything you need to develop. Part 3 will directly look at the film side and what you need to get the film in the tank ready for development. When originally constructing the part’s of this guide I considered combining this with Part 2, however it is such an important and crucial step to the process (that takes a bit of practice) that explaining it clearly is paramount.
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