Clancee in Centennial Park
- At November 30, 2011
- By Jack Chauvel
- In People
Why hello! Yes.. I am still alive! .. I realise the blog has come to a crawl this past month.. what an epic month it has been! Ill have to write some musings.. and some stories.. but for now I just want to share some photos. These shots are from a shoot in September.. well I think it was September.. which Clancee again in Centennial Park. I actually even have gotten film back for this shoot.. thats how long it has been haha..
Some lovely light.. playing with my 85mm tilt shift lens I picked up the day before the shoot and shooting with my RZ67.. this was a LOT of fun. I have some exciting things happening in 2012.. and an excellent finish to 2011.. and I got to see my Nanna last week which just.. was amazing as she hasnt been well. I am off camping for a few days but look forward to a new post upon my return.
Till next time..
Arhh liking this, one of my fav togs and one of my fav models.. does it get better? Nice work guys/gals..