Terry + Val | Engagement

Once again I am lucky to have been asked back by Daniel K Cheung to assist him with some more of his wedding work. This is a great opportunity to work with someone who is very passionate about his photography and his approach to the couple and the way he is always striving to give them the best he possibly can is very inspiring. This is leading on from my last post about location scouting, and these are the first results from this scout mission.

So now let me introduce you to Terry & Val. A lovely couple who are based in Sydney and found Daniel through some mutual friends. Unlike the previous shoots I have been on with Daniel this one was a shoot and meet/greet.. which is always challenging as you are building that rapport with the couple whilst taking invasive candid photos of them. Ok .. well not very invasive but when you havent done it much before then how are you to relax whilst big Β glass is pointed your way?

My parents always thought that I would be a used car salesman…

Why? What a horrible thought you must say! Well not really, it was my ability to just talk.. in any situation.. with anyone. I hope this is a tool I can use with my photography and especially in regards to Weddings, couples and people subjects in general. Creating the atmosphere where they can just talk and relax and not think about the situation makes for much much much more engaging and emotional photos. I think it really worked with Terry & Val and puts is in a great position of having that established comfort zone for the upcoming wedding. There will be bouts of happiness, sadness and things might not go exactly to plan.. but at the end of they day they will end up man and wife.

Sick of the rambling yet? Yeah I am too.. so ill leave you with some photos πŸ™‚

Pardon the formatting πŸ™‚ These are not for print.

If you want to view the rest of the set then click here!

Another great couple and I cant wait for the wedding!

Till next time..


  • Awesome stuff Jack. Really like the first one.

    February 17, 2011
  • Thanks George πŸ™‚

    Was a LOT of fun and I cant wait to do some more… just need to practice my framing and settings a lot more πŸ˜‰

    February 19, 2011

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