Paul + Peta | Engagement



1. A tender feeling toward another; fondness. See Synonyms at love.
2. Feeling or emotion.

I could probably expand that list to about 1000.. but ill leave it at 2. Affection is a very personal matter and done differently by every couple. A quick glance across a room, a small smile that catches your eye, a touch of the shoulder… behind closed doors, in plain view or screaming it from the rooftops. The way this affection is shared between two people is very personal.. but when it is so abundant it bubbles through the personality of two people it is the recipe for some very emotive photography. Introducing Paul + Peta.. an amazing couple that Daniel K Cheung asked me to assist him shooting. I think the photos speak for themselves and capture perfectly the way they show affection for each other.

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Terry + Val | Engagement

Once again I am lucky to have been asked back by Daniel K Cheung to assist him with some more of his wedding work. This is a great opportunity to work with someone who is very passionate about his photography and his approach to the couple and the way he is always striving to give them the best he possibly can is very inspiring. This is leading on from my last post about location scouting, and these are the first results from this scout mission.

So now let me introduce you to Terry & Val. A lovely couple who are based in Sydney and found Daniel through some mutual friends. Unlike the previous shoots I have been on with Daniel this one was a shoot and meet/greet.. which is always challenging as you are building that rapport with the couple whilst taking invasive candid photos of them. Ok .. well not very invasive but when you havent done it much before then how are you to relax whilst big  glass is pointed your way?

My parents always thought that I would be a used car salesman…

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Miriam in the Hunter Valley | Bridal/Fashion Shoot Preview



Just a quick teaser of a Bridal Shoot that I attended in the Hunter Valley on Tuesday the 14th of December. It was an epic day of travel, shooting and tomfoolery (sorry Tom). It all came about from Daniel K Cheung wanting to head up for a shoot with Miriam before she goes back to Germany.

I had a great day and learnt a lot.. played with some gear I cant really afford but Ill attempt too.. and met a couple of cool new faces.

Since Xmas is the time of giving.. ill give you one more 🙂


Till next time..

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St. Street. Stereeet Photography

Sydney Street

Well another week.. another new attempt at some photography. Street photography to be exact, with a bunch of friends and some new friendly faces. Dan had in his infinite wisdom decided to organise an OCAU mini-meet for street (how poetic) in Martin Place on Tuesday evening. With the idea of catching the peak hour in a rush of rain coats and umbrellas. This type of weather always brings out some odd behaviour from pedestrians, and some great reflections and unique looks.

So we all met up, I think 9 of us in all and I was stoked because I was finally able to meet a photographer who has been hiding in the shadows for some time now.. his name is George or ‘Two40’ and you can see his current ramblings here.

We headed from Martin Place to Customs House to Customs House Bar to Menya Ramen in Haymarket.. it was a lot of walking and I was tired by the end but happy overall. I think next time I would love to get out with a small amount of people. Stormy Stormtrooper even got a few shots in (at the Customs House Bar..) you can see that on my last blog post 🙂

To the shots!

Sydney Street

Sydney Street

Sydney Street

Sydney Street

All in all.. lots of rubbish but a few good captures! Really need to work on my hip shooting, and knowing exactly how im framing whilst not looking… I think this will take some practice! I also got half a roll through the Nikon EM.. using the 50mm 1.8/180mm 2.8 and some Fujicolour 100.

When I finally get them processed, Ill scan them up and put them up.

Till next time..

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Ben + Kat | Wedding

<3 Ben + Kat

Well finally here it is.. the full wedding set of Benjamin and Kathleen. These two were a fantastic couple and a joy to work with, this is why I decided to go back and re-edit all my photos so I could produce the best possible results from the day.

The wedding took place at the lovely Peppers Manor in Sutton Forest, NSW (about 1.5 hours south of Sydney). It was a quaint arrangement, with nothing spared and a fine attention to detail. The wedding was small in numbers, but large in celebration. With only family members present, it made our jobs a lot easier as we were able to mingle and enjoy the celebrations amongst them. Ben and Kat had requested a mainly candid type of arrangement, with posed shots not really representing what they wanted as a final result. With this in mind we set out as a team to capture the most candid moments of the day, and I hope you can see this throughout the rest of the wedding set.

I have a mix of feature shots of certain items, as well as groups, individuals and candid shots for the day. We were shooting from midday until dinner time, beginning with the preperation at Peppers, before the ceremony at the church and the reception in the gardens at Peppers.

<3 Ben + Kat

<3 Ben + Kat

<3 Ben + Kat

<3 Ben + Kat

<3 Ben + Kat

<3 Ben + Kat

<3 Ben + Kat

<3 Ben + Kat

<3 Ben + Kat

<3 Ben + Kat

<3 Ben + Kat

<3 Ben + Kat

<3 Ben + Kat

<3 Ben + Kat

<3 Ben + Kat

<3 Ben + Kat

<3 Ben + Kat

<3 Ben + Kat

And here is a special one of Kat.. we have quite a few great Behind the Scenes shots from the day which I have posted a couple of already. Kat loved our cameras and decided to have a go.. Ill have to find the group shots of us mucking around but it was a nice touch to the day.

<3 Ben + Kat

A truly spectacular day and wedding. I thank you Daniel K Cheung for allowing me to assist you once again. It was also a joy to work with you Zakari Kha. To Ben & Kat I wish you many happy years together and I thank you for letting me be part of your special day.

You can view the whole wedding album (including higher resolutions) here.

Till next time..

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Ben + Kat | Wedding Preview

<3 Ben + Kat

<3 Ben + Kat

I was very fortunate to assist in my first full wedding for Daniel K Cheung with Zakari Kha. The wedding was for Benjamin and Kathleen at the lovely Peppers Manor in Suttons Forest, Southern Highlands, New South Wales, Australia. We headed down for midday.. capturing the bridal party getting ready, the ceremony at the church and the outdoor reception. It was a wonderful day and I have a lot of processing ahead of me!

I hope you like the snippet, and look forward to the rest.

Till next time..

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35mme – Nikon 35mm 1.8 Self Portrait



The latest addition to my slowly growing collection of gear… 35mm 1.8.. picked up second hand and am hoping it opens up some new doors in comparison to the 50mm… Ill do a comparison between the two very soon!

Till next time..

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Adam + Kitty | Post Wedding

A wonderful opportunity and my first Wedding styled photo shoot took place on Tuesday this past week. Thank you to my good friend Daniel K Cheung for the opportunity to be his assistant and 3rd shooter for the day. I also had the pleasure of meeting Zakari Kha who was the 2nd shooter for the day.

The couple (as per the title) are Adam and Kitty, who had their wedding in China a little while ago and had recently come to Australia (day before). So this is a Post-Wedding shoot, with the couple wanting photos in Australia.. with the colours, feel and landmarks to make up part of their wedding album.

So we set off in the hot Tuesday sun.. perfect for the day (not so much the photography) but taking into consideration the amount of rain recently we faired very well. The plan was to hit multiple Sydney locations over a lunch time -> dinner time period; with a variety of shots, lighting and backdrops. I learnt very early on in the day that my gear was a restriction, with isolation being key with the subject matter, I utilised the trusty Nikon 50mm 1.8 on my D90 and it stayed there for the rest of the day.

First stop La Perouse, where we hit a few spots around the main area and down on the rocks… this is a lovely spot by difficult and times of the day with the harsh sun and little cloud cover.

We then moved over to Hyde Park/St Mary’s Cathedral.. where it seems people dont realise standing BEHIND the couple whilst they are having their photo taken agitates the photographers.. felt like traffic control officer at some points.

We headed over to Observatory Hill and then moved down to the Rocks.. to capture the rest of the afternoon light in numerous locations. After many many hours of walking and shooting we finally finished up on the steps of the Opera House before adjourning to the Lowenbrau for a Beer and a Pork Knuckle.

I thought I would keep the chatter short and the photos abundant to just show how the conditions changed as well as the effort put in by the photographers and the couple to capture different positions in different places. It was a great deal of fun, and an experience im very happy to have had! Shooting people is much harder than shooting static landscapes (in my eyes).. but I am only new to it.

I hope ive shown the commitment and skill to be asked back! I would like to thank Daniel again very much for the opportunity, and I am sorry for saying it so many times 🙂

I would appreciate if you did check out the rest of the series, I have chosen a variety of shots to make up the final set for the day.

You can find the full set here.

Hope you enjoy..

Till next time..

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